What I mean by making the invisible, visible is the representation of words, abstract words, such as ideology/humanism/sound/emotional states, which don't have a real image of a physical object in real life or do not represent only one element but a multitude of both objects or/and emotions, in the form of an image or graphic using elements like colour, geometric shapes etc.

These will be realized by gathering data from people of different age, nationality and gender, their personal outcomes being based on their personal experiences, cultural background etc.

This process relates to visual perception, colour vision, cognitive science such as analogy making which plays a significant role in problem solving such as, decision making, perception, memory, creativity,emotion, explanation and communication, alike introspection.

How am I going to represent this?
Thinking about the sense of stability that people tend to lose more and more in the nowadays capitalist system, by moving from one place to the other, changing houses, cities even countries and continents, depending on their life opportunities and circumstances, I chose to start my data gathering process based on the question "How does home feel for you?" The way my audience will answer this question is by choosing from a variety of blocks of different colors, each color representing a different emotional state, placing them further or closer to the viewer depending when they experienced that specific emotional state. They will therefore create a 3-D color coded poster, based on their personal experiences and cultural background.

My final response will consist of a series of posters/graphics which will potentially be mounted on a wall emphasizing the differences between these.
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